Personal and Memorial Donations
Contact to arrange for your charitable donation tax receipt. You can make a personal donation and receive a charitable donation receipt using an e-transfer to OR by cheque payable to T.H.R.I.L. or with a credit card by clicking the donate button through PayPal.
Donate in Memorial
Donate in memorial. T.H.R.I.L has a memorial plaque that recognizes donations of $50 or more made in memory of a loved one. Contact
Glen Davis2018
June and Stan Russell Dr Margaret Cronin Dr Robert Watson Winnie Field 2019 David Watson Brenda McGowan 2020 Betty Williams William j Hunter Michael Porter Sandy Anderson 2022 Brenda Vliek Heather Forsyth Downs Michaela Stiegler 2023 Christopher Hagerman Bernard Poliquin Irene ChadwickKim Fee Malcom
Don Mundy